cara vespertine
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Travel Details

Based in NYC. Sometimes in: Washington DC, Dallas, Austin, San Francisco, Los Angeles. Please write to me so I can drop you a note when I’m next in your city.

Contact Details

For the quickest of replies please send inquires via my contact form below and my assistant, Alice, will answer you provided you’ve completed all the information as fully and accurately as possible.

Please keep in mind that I am a dining companion. Emails containing lascivious language will be promptly deleted and go unanswered. I am selective about who I spend time with so please be courteous and discreet throughout our correspondence.

*Please note: I very much realize that the screening information I ask for is of a personal nature, but please know that not only do I realize and appreciate your trusting me with it, it’s only ever used so that I know who I’m meeting, and is promptly deleted once I know who you are. My assistant Alice






Please note: I very much realize that the screening information I ask for is of a personal nature, and I appreciate your trusting me with it. It’s only ever used so that I may know who I’m meeting, and is promptly and securely deleted once I know who you are. My assistant Alice is very tech savvy, dilligent, and privacy minded, so please rest assured that she’ll handle it with more care and discretion than I imagine anyone else ever could!